Eleonora Sovrani’s Journal


Is photography also a means for remembering?
Yes, for remembering, to relive those moments. To see that person who is no longer there. Like the shops that have disappeared, people disappear… and I have them here. This is important.

From Sovrani’s interview with Alvio and Gabriella Gavagnin

This project assembles a portrait of Venice through two sets of archival materials, which are essentially related to each other: John Ruskin Venice notebooks and Alvio Gavagnin’s two decades collection of Venice photographs.

This project was commissioned by the British Council and muf architecture/art on the occasion of the exhibition held in the British Pavilion during the Venice Architecture Biennale 2010.

Done.Book, muf architecture/art, British Council
Wolfgang Scheppe
research|curator assistant|photographer
Eleonora Sovrani
graphic design
Andrea Buran

Done.Book double spread.
Done.Book double spread.
Done.Book double spread.
Done.Book exhibition at the British Pavilion.

Installation view at the British Pavilion, Venice Architecture Biennale 2010.