Eleonora Sovrani’s Journal

In Senso Figurato / In Senso Proprio

Artists are invited to produce an original piece of work closely or remotely tinged with the experience of a one week Venetian journey. Each artist’s production is collected in a book to be released in Autumn 2013. The project is made visible during the Biennale thanks to a website designed to integrate anonymously every participant’s contribution, capturing, as it were, the iconographic and numeric unconscious of the project. Moreover, personal exposure will be covered within somewhat discreet actions or events performed in the city by fellow artists during their stay. These will be made accessible on the website as well.

(In Senso Figurato), press release by (SIC)

This project consists in an artists-in-residence program, which took place from June 1st until September 30th 2013 in the context of the 55. Venice Biennale and it has been followed by a book publication.

head coordinator
Yoann Van Parys
Eleonora Sovrani

Argentic photo from Venice series.
Argentic photo from Venice series.