Eleonora Sovrani’s Journal

Love Boat

The Love Boat soon will be making another run- The Love Boat promises something for everyone- Set a course for adventure, Your mind on a new romance. Love won’t hurt anymore- It’s an open smile on a friendly shore.

From The Love Boat lyrics by TV theme song

During a cruise voyage most of the events on-board and onshore are organized with the main aim of producing self-referential pictures; debarkation places become a sort of extension of the cruise ship, therefore mislaying their own distinctiveness.

The result is a kind of “voyage to nowhere” based on repetition, in placeless and timeless perception.

This is an experimental found footage video (12′), it has been produced by AJC! and presented as first preview in September 2012 at the Cinema Nova in Brussels.

Love Boat on vimeo
Eleonora Sovrani
editor assistant
Christophe Evrard
audio mixing
Iannis Heaulme, Mathieu Courthial
Lea Rogliano

Image from the Tentacular Ship photobook.
Image from the Tentacular Ship photobook.