Entering the European District the first thing you see is the buildings of the European Community, with reflecting glass surfaces concealing the interiors. CCTVs, either disguised or deliberately exposed as “fundamental” omnipresence will gaze at you, while wire fences along the sidewalks are kept ready to bar access on the next summit. Next to this scenario inhabitants of the European quarter are living. Who are they?
Getting in the intimacy of their places with the aim/excuse to film my own terrace facing that neighbour’s window, it overturns the observation point and creates new story of real relationships, replacing the past stories imagined from my “home security” distance.
This project has been presented as video and sound installation (10′) at Ten Noey Theatre greenroom in Brussels in April 2012. This project was conceived during the Micro Histories artists-in-residence program at Bains Connective.

Nine neighbours’ views of the same terrace.